DVDs (Import)

  • WPC 56 - Series 1
    Set in 1956, the drama follows WPC 56 Gina Dawson (Jennie Jacques) through the trials of being the first female officer to serve in her Midlands home town. On her first day, she s packed into a broom cupboard, tasked with making the tea and told not to distract the men... But the team has some …
  • WPC 56 - Series 1+2 (2 DVDs)
    SERIES 1 Set in 1956, the drama follows WPC 56 Gina Dawson (Jennie Jacques) through the trials of being the first female officer to serve in her Midlands home town. On her first day, she s packed into a broom cupboard, tasked with making the tea and told not to distract the men... But the team has …
  • WPC 56 - Series 2
    Gina and the men have their hands full with teenage runaways, Teddy Boys and petty criminals. However, the lines of the law become blurred when the hunt for a killer draws our team into the criminal underworld of shady boxing clubs, brothels and night clubs all run by an untouchable gangster. And …

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